Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mission Statement

Mission Statement:

The Hundred is a personal journey. The Hundred will take me through one hundred days of film, music, food and literature.

One hundred films.
One hundred albums.
One hundred recipes.
Ten novels.

The idea is to further my understanding of art, media and cuisine; to refine tastes and gain a better knowledge of the world around us.

All four of these things are wildly important in cultures all throughout the world.

  • The films, though most English language, will span the globe, covering numerous countries, languages, genres and ages. 
  • The albums will cover all genres of music, from rap and hiphop to rock, jazz, and everything in between.
  • The recipes, designed to broaden my taste in various cuisine, will cover breakfast, lunch, dinner and deserts. Some will be familiar, other not so much, and lastly, some will be of my own creation.
  • The novels will range from current bestsellers to classics. From award winners to casual reads. Most will be substancial in size and story. 

The journey of The Hundred will be documented in the pages of this blog. Films and albums will be analyzed and reviewed. The cooking or baking process of the recipes will be throughly documented in the form of pictures and the final product will be evaluated. Lastly, the progression of  the novels will be updated periodically, updating on personal thoughts and an overall evaluation.

Feel free to suggest films, albums, recipes and novels.

Let the journey begin.
-S.A. Walrath, The Hundred